Naruto Hentai

Tsunade: The Notorious Sucker

Tsunade sighed Mildly as she sat in her office in the Hokage�s building. Things had been rather Abate since the golden haired jinchukiri had been taken off by Jiraiya for some Individual training. Things had been far too Abate for the sannin�s tastes since the Youthful Man had been taken away. She sighed softly, resting her chin in her palm, and making that trademark pout that Displayed that she was agitated with how nothing was happening. Shizune seemed to Shudder visibly as the Intense kage Voiced her Discomfort with how Tiny was happening both in her Figure language, and the way her face had contorted, her bottom lip coming out, and her Brows slanted downwards, causing her eyes to narrow slightly. Shizune, had seen that kind of Glance on the medical ninja�s face before, and every time she had seen it, it had meant trouble.

Shizune Leisurely Commenced to Attempt and slink out of the office but was stopped when she caught Tsunade�s attention and was Instantaneously stopped by a glare that, if it had the Energy to, Most likely could have killed, �Where were you going, Shizune?� Shizune visibly shivered, as she Leisurely turned Tryst Tsunade�s narrowed, brown eyes.

Shizune laughed Awkwardly Swaying her Mitt around, �Ha, ha, m�lady, I was just going to step out for a minute to make sure that we hadn�t received any Fresh mission requests.� She had d stopped, Apparently not Bimbo enough to Attempt to leave now until Tsunade had dismissed her.

The Light-haired Dame let out an audible Breathe and looked down to a few papers that had begun piling up on the corner of her desk. This Indeed had been frustratingly boring. They hadn�t been able to send anyone out for anything that was worth the time it would take people to do the missions lately. There had been a Demand from a rather Nervous Dude to have an Hooker take him to a project that he was supposed to be overseeing in one of the neighboring villages, but even with his Nervous and paranoid nature, Tsunade had found it Rock-hard to classify the man�s mission as anything above a C-Rank mission. There had also been a complaint about a missing cat, which had resulted in Konohamaru�s Gang having a rather Effortless mission to do. All in all, it had been rather depressing. The most excitement that Tsunade got these days was arguing with the bratty kid, Konohamaru, who Undoubtedly had what it would take to be the next Naruto, even if he didn�t yet have what it would take to be the next Good Hokage. They were both royal Aches in the ass, and both Controlled to keep Tsunade from going Fully Insatiable with boredom.

Another audible Breathe came from Tsunade as she let her head Glide from her hand, and just let it rest against the top of her desk, �This is so boring�it�s Nearly enough to drive a person to gambling.�

Shizune�s Figure Crooked in shock. Damsel Tsunade was thinking about gambling again? She was thinking about gambling most times, but since she had become Hokage, she had stopped with most of her Bimbo Tiny money wasting games. She never seemed to win, but that still had never stopped the Buxom kunoichi from trying, and she had never found a wager that she didn�t like, even when she lost as much as Tsunade lost. Shizune spoke quickly, �No, m�lady! I�m sure something will come up. You just have to have faith. I�m sure that something Titillating is headed this way as we speak!� Shizune smiled weakly, Attempting to be reassuring. The problem was, that the dark haired Dame didn�t know whether she was Attempting to reassure Tsunade, or Attempting to reassure herself. There was no way that she would let Damsel Tsunade go back to her gambling ways. She looked over the kage�s shoulder and out the window. Hopefully she was right, and there was something Titillating coming in, just on the horizon of Konoha.


The Light-haired Man sighed Mildly as he looked over his shoulder again to Observe that the white haired Dude who he had been walking with had fallen behind again. He tapped his Sole angrily, his piercing blue eyes, Observing as the older Dude Leisurely walked along, seeming to be writing something down as he walked. This had seemed to have become a normal situation, something that both of them had become used to. Still, it was Rock-hard for the Man who was wearing the leaf headband to stop himself from just running the rest of the way there and leaving the old white haired Dude behind him to Attempt and catch up. It was Visible that the hermit Indeed didn�t care that much where he was, or where he was going, but Naruto was finding it increasingly difficult to contain his excitement.

It had been a few years since he had last been to the village hidden in the leaves. A few years since he had seen all of his friends, and it seemed to have been even longer since he had seen the pretty Rosy haired Woman who he had fallen for all of those years ago, or Indeed any Woman who wasn�t busy taking money from the old Dude who was following him. Naruto didn�t have time to waste just walking around. He had become stronger, so the Entire leaving the village for a while hadn�t been a Finish waste, but he had also had Slew of time to become homesick. He Wished to go back, and Observe all of his friends. He Wished to know how much Heavier they had all become, and Wished to hear the Awesome stories of the missions that they had been on and the people that they had met. What he didn�t want to be doing was standing, tapping his foot, and waiting for the old Dude with the gutter mind.

Naruto had become a different person in his time out training. He had matured considerably, but also had Commenced taking on a few traits that he had Formerly only Affixed to the Abnormal frog sage, or the sharingan using ninja, Kakashi. He had Commenced noticing pretty girls, and had Commenced having a bit more of a Rock-hard time not thinking about them. He had Loved a Good number of Wishes about the Woman that he had seen at the lake that one time, and Fairly a few Wishes about the bubblegum Rosy haired kunoichi who he had left in the leaf village with the promise that he would find Sasuke and bring him back to her. After mentioning a few of them to Jiraiya, the old Dude had been overjoyed and had Instantaneously demanded that if Naruto had any more of these erotic Wishes that he tell the romance writer exactly what it was that he had Wished about, and not to leave out any details. Naruto had Grudgingly accepted, but had Indeed felt rather cheated since he had been looking for some sort of bonding Practice where the Abnormal sage would Handle him like a father would Handle a son, rather than being told to Attempt and Recall everything that had happened so that the writer could copy it down and make a Prompt buck off of the Raw Wishes of a teenager. That was just the way Jiraiya acted though, and the Light-haired shinobi had Found out that all too well. The old man, Indeed didn�t have it in him to be a father figure.

Jiraiya Overlooked Naruto�s tapping Sole once he had Ultimately caught up to the boy, and seemed to just Proceed writing and walking. In fact, he had walked right past Naruto Sans even realizing it. He stopped after a moment and turned back to Glance at the Man who now had his eyes narrowed Unsafely in a Glance that reminded him all too much of the looks that Tsunade Periodically gave him just before screaming. Jiraiya Lifted an eyebrow, �Something on your mind, kid?�

Naruto snorted and just Commenced walking again. If he argued with the white haired sannin it would just take even more time to get back to the village, and really, Naruto Wished to get there faster, which was the Entire reason for his anger. He snorted as he Transferred Jiraiya again, �I just want to get back to the village, ero-senin,�

Jiraiya sighed and went back to his writing, �I believe I have told you on Numerous occasions not to call me that, twirp.� He continued to write, �Besides, it isn�t like the village is going to burn down while we are walking there.�

Another angry snort came from Naruto, �Yeah, but if we were walking any slower everyone I know would have died of old age by the time we get there. I want to go back and Observe all of my friends. If I get back, and just missed Sakura because she was sent out on a mission, I am going to be Highly unhappy with you ero-senin.�

Jiraiya nodded, �Yeah, yeah�she�s the one who Tsunade was training, wasn�t she?� The ninja didn�t even Glance up from his paper, a Mild smile Stretching Throughout his lips, �I wonder if she�s become a Well known sucker, just like Tsunade yet.�

The Light-haired ninja Lifted an eyebrow and looked back at the Abnormal sage who was following him. What was he Conversing about? He Indeed didn�t peg Sakura as being the gambling type. He Fondled the back of his head and seemed to be thinking about this rather hard, �What are you Conversing about, ero-senin?�

Jiraiya laughed softly, �Well, you see�� He then stopped as Swiftly as he had started, �Didn�t I just tell you not to call me that? Tiny brat, just for that I�m not going to tell you.� He looked down at the paper that he had been writing on, but couldn�t contain his smile. Even if he sounded angry and mean, that kid was one Fortunate bastard if Tsunade had Instructed her student those kinds of skills. He just chuckled to himself, leaving Naruto to his confusion, to Attempt and Figure out both what it was that the Abnormal sage had meant by his earlier comment, and Figure out what it was that was so funny now.


Upon getting into the village, Naruto had rushed off to go meet up with all of his friends, leaving the white haired sannin alone. He sighed Mildly as he looked up after where the kid had gone to and shook his head softly. That Scanty kid Indeed had no idea what sort of Distress he could get himself into just by running around, but Jiraiya had Determined to just let Naruto go, after all, he had some payback that he Wished to get to. He�d Display that kid to call him �ero-senin�. He chuckled Mildly as he thought back to their conversation, and Found out that he knew exactly how it was that he should go about doing it. He Swiftly headed off towards the Hokage�s building, folding the Lump of paper that he had been writing on up and Slipping it Inwards of his clothes. He�d go back to writing later he was sure. Right now he needed to visit Tsunade for a few moments though.

Getting into the tower was Fairly Effortless for the Sannin. He simply walked in and wandered up the stairs. He was getting the feeling that this may have not been the Hottest possible idea, since Tsunade was prone to be in bad moods, Peculiarly when he was around. He sighed softly, thinking about the Light-haired woman, and Attempting to Figure out how it was that he was going to deal with her if she was in another one of her moods. It would be far less Joy than if she was happy, but she was so Infrequently ever happy. The Hottest way to deal with her was of course make a bet with her or something, after all, Tsunade was never one to turn down a bet. That would Most likely be an even Finer way to deal with his plan of getting his apprentice back for calling him things like ero-senin, Deviant sage, and all of the other names that the Light-haired konoha shinobi had called the smut writer, Jiraiya. It was about time that the kid learned to respect his elders. He chuckled Mildly at that thought.

In front of the door to Tsunade�s office stood the Ebony haired ninja, Shizune, who was looking Weakened and frustrated. Jiraiya smiled Mildly to himself. He had thought about what it would be like to do a Tiny bit of one on one research with her on a few occasions, but knew far Finer than to make any advances on the ninja, who has proven on more than one occasion to be Enormously deadly. At the moment though, she looked perturbed, which meant that what Jiraiya had Primarily gathered was absolutely correct, and Tsunade wasn�t in a Highly Blessed place right now. He wasn�t sure if she was in the �I�m so angry that I�m going to Toss desks and knives at anyone who Attempts to Inject my office� or some other level of angry, but he knew that at this point there was no turning back.

He smiled Mildly as he brought his Mitt up in a wave to Shizune, �Hey, Shizune. I know that I don�t have an Tryst with Tsunade, but I was wondering if I could just Roam in on her, and have a Tiny bit of a chat.�

Shizune looked over to Jiraiya and brought her Mitts up Swaying them a Tiny bit with a sheepish and Concerned smile on her face, �Oh, Tormentor Jiraiya. I really�I Indeed don�t think that is such a Good idea today. Damsel Tsunade Indeed isn�t in the mood for any visitors.�

Jiraiya laughed Mildly as he continued walking up towards the door that would lead him into the Hokage�s office and to Tsuande. He Indeed didn�t seem all that Concerned about Shizune�s warning, a Intense and reassured smile on his face, �Well, that�s just silly, isn�t it? I mean when has Tsunade ever not Permitted me into her office before?� He gave Shizune a sly look, �Oh wait�she doesn�t have a Dude in there, does she?�

The dark haired ninja turned several shades of Crimson and then Swayed her hands, still having the sheepish and Feeble smile on her face, �Lady Tsunade isn�t like that, you know that.�

A few Titters came Shape Jiraiya as he looked at the door for a few moments, Jiggling his head, �I was joking Shizune. I wouldn�t worry too much about me going in there with Damsel Tsunade though. If she is upset about something, I might just be the one who can cheer her right back up.� He smiled and then, Disregarding Shizune�s protests, opened the door and walked in, letting it Slip closed behind him.

The Light-haired hokage still had her head down against her desk, and didn�t even Glance up when someone came in, �I thought I told you that I didn�t want to be disturbed, Shizune.� It was Rock-hard for Jiraiya to Figure out what it was that had put Tsunade in such a mood. Her paperwork seemed to be more under control than he could Recall Witnessing it in Fairly some time, and there didn�t seem to be anything that was off with the room. It didn�t even Glance like she had been Tossing furniture around. Jiraiya had of course Instantaneously just Determined that the problem was that Tsunade was Bearing from a terrible hangover from indulging in a bit too much sake.

Jiraiya Lifted an eyebrow, �Really? No visitors? Well, I suppose I�ll just go then.�

Tsunade Instantaneously snapped up, her brown eyes taking in the other sannin who was still standing exactly where he had been a minute ago and hadn�t turned, Apparently not intent on following through with his threat to just leave. Her Former scowl was Substituted Instantaneously by a Mild smile as she looked over at her old teammate, �Jiraiya?�

�The one and only.� The white haired sannin smiled as he continued to See Tsunade as she Swiftly went to work putting things away from the top of her desk. It seemed that she hadn�t even bothered to Tidy up, but he supposed he could understand that. If it had been mostly anyone else, they Most likely wouldn�t have gotten past Shizune as Lightly as he had. He chuckled Mildly and shook his head, �You Indeed don�t have to strive to impress, Tsunade.�

Her brown eyes focused on him again, �So, Jiraiya. Did you just stop by to say hello, or did you have something else that you Wished to Converse about?�

Jiraiya chuckled Mildly as he moved over to a corner of the room, Bending back against the wall and Observing the Dame as she Gawped at him, her Thumbs intertwining on the top of her desk. He Indeed couldn�t stand her Tiny habit to do that, since every time she did, it made her Glance like she was some sort of evil shinobi who was plotting the downfall of a village or planning something that he Indeed wouldn�t want any part in knowing anything about. Telling her to stop had resulted in absolutely no Switch other than she did it more and actually thought about doing it, just to upset him. He looked up to her eyes and smiled softly, �Oh, Tsunade, you always get right down to business, don�t you?� He chuckled softly, �Alright, I can deal with that.�

He Shoved off of the wall and walked to the middle of the Apartment to stand in front of her, Gawping back at her for a few moments, �Well, Tsunade, what I came to Converse to you about, was a Tiny conversation that I had with Naruto.� Tsunade Lifted an eyebrow at that, as if making a questioning glance, �You see, we had been Conversing about something, and the conversation had led us to that Rosy haired apprentice of yours, and I think I may have made a joke about how you might have been Training her a few things to Mitt off your title as Well known sucker.� His Brows went up and down to communicate what it was that he was saying.

Tsunade�s smile Swiftly turned into an angry frown, �Jiraiya��

Jiraiya laughed softly, �The kid Indeed had absolutely no idea what it was that I was Conversing about. He still looked Bewildered and frustrated when we got Inwards the village and both went our separate ways.� He chuckled as he looked at Tsunade who had closed her eyes and was now Jiggling her head.

The Mild smile was once again gracing her lips, �I Indeed wouldn�t expect that kid to know what you were Conversing about with something like that. It is Good to know that all of this time he has spent with you hasn�t turned him into some sort of Crank delinquent who will be sneaking into the women�s baths at the Super-hot springs like you do.�

Jiraiya put on a hurt face, �You wound me Tsunade.� His hurt face went away as Swiftly as it had come though, �In any case, I was going to tell the kid what I had meant by that, but I was pretty sure that you would object, after all, I�m willing to bet that you don�t have what it takes to be the Well known Dicksucker anymore, Tsunade.�

A dangerous growl came from Tsunade�s lips, her Brows slanted dangerously, and her eyes narrowed in an Wrath that couldn�t be described in normal words, �What did you just say?�

Jiraiya smiled Mildly and Bent over Tsunade�s desk, �What I said was that I am willing to bet five-thousand ryo that you either don�t have the guts, or don�t have the Pubes to Display the Tiny troublemaker, Naruto the Energy of the Well known sucker.� He then Positioned a Pinch of bills on Tsunade�s desk, �What do you think about that wager?�


Naruto had taken the time to Observe a few of his Pals again. Sakura had developed a bit, and he was Fairly sure that he was going to have Distress not dreaming about her in the near future. He had seen Shikamaru walking with Temari, and he had taken notice of her too. She hat always been pretty attractive, but didn�t seem to have stopped being so. He sighed softly. It was a bit of a pity that she was with the brain Shikamaru though, because Naruto wouldn�t have minded going through a few of those Wishes with Temari either. He wasn�t sure why, since the Light-haired Chicks always seemed to be so mean, but there was something about both Temari and Ino that had always been a drawing factor. He supposed that for Temari it Most likely had something to do with the fact that she had been well developed before he had taken that Lengthy absence from his village, and now she was Entirely smoking hot. Shikamaru was a Fortunate Man if he got to have Joy with a Woman like that under the guise of �protecting� her. He wondered just how often they had practiced Gullet to Gullet in case of an emergency, or Gullet to something else. He Reddened and chuckled nervously at that thought. It seemed that he was becoming more like Jiraiya every day.

A Mild breeze blew by, causing the long, untied Completes of Naruto�s headband to flutter behind him Leisurely as he looked up at the Hokage�s building. It seemed like as normal a day as any, and the Mansion didn�t seem any different at all, but for some reason that Naruto could neither Figure out, nor shake, he had a Highly strange feeling that something Highly out of the Elementary was about to happen. He looked around for a few moments, Attempting to Figure out if the problem was that he was being Observed or something, but couldn�t Observe anyone there. He narrowed his eyes slightly. This was Highly odd for him. He didn�t usually get feelings like this for no reason at all. He sighed Mildly and brought his Mitt to the back of his head, Touching it for a moment as he Attempted to think of all of the Directives that someone could Assault the Hokage�s building, or someone standing in front of the Hokage�s. The general idea of putting it where it was, however, was that there weren�t many places from which someone could Assault it or him. They would either need to go through the Entire village, which if they did they would Nearly surely be Witnessed and taken down or reported to the Decent authorities, or they would need to Hop in from the top of the mountain that had all of the faces of the Former Hokage on it. Neither of those options seemed Highly likely.

The only people that Naruto could think of that would want to cause him Distress anyway were the Akatsuki, and Indeed he couldn�t imagine them being sneaky enough to get in from any angle as Lengthy as they were wearing those trademark jackets of theirs. He had thought Shortly about a plan where they might hire a Fresh member and sneak them into the village, maybe a pretty Woman to Attempt and Tempt him and pull him out of the village where he would be vulnerable, but the likelihood that they would be Smart enough to hire someone to sneak into the village, along with the likelihood that they would find someone who could Tempt a stalwart ninja like him who was so Loyal to his Investigates and becoming Hokage one day, had to be Indeed slim. Naruto nodded, Fairly sure that this was true, even if it Indeed wasn�t and then headed into the Hokage�s building. If there were problems waiting for him inside, he was going to have to deal with them Ultimately anyway, and if his problems were outside, then it was Hottest that he put a Tiny distance Inbetween him and them by going inside. It Indeed seemed rather straightforward.

He walked up the stairs on the insider of the building, his mind milling over what had happened outside just a few moments ago. Most of the conversations that he had with Jiraiya had Finished up going in one ear and out the other when they weren�t about training, so he had stopped Providing the comment about the �legendary sucker� as Shortly as he had headed off to Observe his friends. It had been Super-cute to Observe his Pals though. He only Wished that he had gotten to Observe a few more of them, or that they hadn�t been rushing around doing other things, like how Shikamaru was escorting Temari around the village, or how he hadn�t seen Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Chouji, or most of the rest of his Pals at all since he had arrived. He supposed that they were Most likely all out training, or doing missions somewhere, after all those were the kinds of things that ninjas did.

Naruto continued to walk up the stairs, Swiftly dismissing the thoughts that he had outside when he had the feeling that something bad was going to happen, and he simply waltzed into Tsunade�s office, �Tsunade-bachan!� He smiled widely as he looked into the Apartment to Observe the brown Witnessed Light-haired sitting behind her desk, with her Thumbs interlocked in front of her. She looked like she had been planning or thinking rather Rock-hard about some sort of business, and it made Naruto feel a bit more secure to know that Tsunade was taking her job seriously. He had also noticed another Stool in front of her desk, and wondered for a moment if that had always been there, since he couldn�t Recall having ever seen the Stool there before. He Swiftly Shoved it from his thoughts, after all, it wasn�t that important, and it had been Fairly a while since he had been back to the leaf village. Things were Strapped to have Switched at least a Tiny bit, even in the Hokage�s quarters.

The Hokage smiled as she Observed Naruto Inject the room. It looked to Tsunade like Naruto had done Fairly a bit of growing up in the few years that he had been touring the countryside with Jiraiya. The Man didn�t have the baby Gigantic in his cheeks anymore, and looked like he had Switched to a Fresh jacket, one that she had to say looked Fairly a bit more Glamorous than the Former jacket that the Man had worn. It looked like he had Violated his headband at one point though. She remembered the Highly first time that they had met, and how she had knocked the boy�s old headband off of him with but a single finger and then taken him down just as easily. She was Fairly sure that today, if she had a Tiny battle like that with the leaf ninja, that it would take Fairly a bit more than a finger to knock him down.

She smiled, �Naruto. I have been expecting you. Have a seat.�

Naruto blinked. He Indeed hadn�t been expecting something like this. He supposed now that he thought about it, Tsunade would Most likely want to debrief him on all of the Instructing that he had done. She Most likely Wished to keep an eye on that Jiraiya too, to make sure that he wasn�t twisting the Scanty boy�s moral fiber into something perverse. Naruto was Fairly sure that it was going to take a Tiny bit more than spending a Tiny bit of time with Jiraiya before he became a Ginormous a Crank as the old Sanin had become. He had thought about the same kind of thing for sure, after all, he had even had a few Horny dreams, but he wasn�t the kind of person who was going to run around being a womanizer and a creep just to get some attention. There were far Finer ways of dealing with one�s Dame problems than by running around and Attempting to pick up cheap hookers, or Telling that you needed to do research. He Indeed didn�t know what it was that all of those sleazy Dolls had seen in the old Dude anyway. He didn�t Indeed seem all that Glamorous in the end. He wondered if maybe the Entire thing was that he was Indeed well endowed, but he shuddered Mildly at that thought and Attempted to Thrust it as far out of his head as was humanly possible.

He Leisurely moved Forth in the Apartment to the chair, pulling it back a bit and moving to sit in it. It was actually a rather Super-cute chair. It seemed to be made out of a rather Good wood, and was Indeed rather Handy to sit in, not like those benches that they had to sit in during their academy lessons. Also unlike the benches in the academy classes, this Stool had arms, which Naruto Determined to use, resting his Palms on the Palms of the chair. He then looked up at Tsunade, �Alright. My guess is that you want to debrief me on my training�well�there was a lot that happened, after all, I was gone for a Lengthy time. I Indeed don�t know where to start.�

Tsunade shook her head and then got up from her chair, Leisurely walking around her desk, �That isn�t what this is about, Naruto.� He smiled Mildly as he Observed her, �I hear that Jiraiya said something to you about my nickname as the Well known sucker.� She Lifted an eyebrow, �Is that true?�

Naruto blinked. Of course it was true. He could Recall that now. He hadn�t remembered what exactly Jiraiya had said, but it was something about passing on her title to Sakura. He hadn�t Indeed understood that, and still Indeed didn�t, but he knew that understanding it wasn�t� what Tsunade was asking. She didn�t ask if he understood was the Deviant sage had meant. She was just Praying if he had said something. Naruto nodded, �Yeah, he said something about you passing on your title to Sakura or something�I didn�t Indeed understand it to tell the truth.�

Tsunade had Bent back, Nearly sitting down on the front of her desk as she looked at Naruto with her brown eyes. She smiled Mildly and nodded, �I know you didn�t understand it, Naruto. Jiraiya told me that too.� She smiled slyly, which made Naruto twitch a bit in his seat, �I Determined that a Man your age might be Nosey about a few of the things that Jiraiya was saying. I was wondering if you Wished me to Instruct you what he meant when he said those things.�

Naruto seemed to think about it for a moment and then nodded softly, �I suppose��

Tsunade smiled and Bent over Naruto, her Mitts falling to his wrists, holding his Palms down against the Palms of the chair. The way she was Bending down gave Naruto a Highly Good Glance of Tsunade�s Exceptional cleavage. Naruto Witnessed it and then Attempted Highly Rock-hard not to get Rock-hard in the pants. This was granny Tsunade. She Indeed wasn�t as pretty as she looked, that was just a jutsu. He would have Attempted to struggle, but he knew that Tsunade had a terrible strength, which meant that if she didn�t want him to get away, he wouldn�t be getting away. Instead he closed his eyes tight, hoping that if he couldn�t Observe her, he wouldn�t have to deal with this Uncomfortable situation. Tsunade simply smiled at that, �Now Naruto. I�m about to Display you what Jiraiya meant when he said that I was a Well known sucker.�

Naruto kept his eyes Pummeled shut until he felt a Strain against the front of his pants. He knew that it wasn�t Tsunade�s hands, since they were holding him to the chair, which didn�t leave many other things left. He Leisurely opened his eyes and looked down to Observe that Tsunade and Bent down and taken the Zip strip at the front of his Trousers in Inbetween her teeth and was Leisurely pulling it down, a smile on her lips, and her brown eyes Gawping up into his blue ones. Naruto let out a Mild whisper, �Oh, Kami�� Tsunade�s smile only grew Broader as she continued to Slip down the fly of his pants. She Winked when the boy�s penis, which had somehow escaped the Trunks that he wore under his Trousers tapped her on the forehead. She looked up at it and Nearly gasped. At nine inches Lengthy the thing was a monster. She wondered if she was going to be able to take all of this Hefty in her mouth, and then remembered that there was a bet of 5.000 ryo Railing on this. She didn�t have that kind of money, and didn�t know what the Crank Jiraiya would make her do in lieu of actual funds.

Naruto was Breathless softly. He had felt when his Shaft had bumped against something and thought that he should Glance and apologize or something, but he didn�t know what might happen if he looked. For all he knew the fox would wake up any moment and think that this was a marvelous idea, and that Indeed wasn�t something that Naruto Wished to go through. Forcing this kind of Action onto someone was Highly different than having this kind of Action Coerced upon him. He kept his eyes Pummeled Taut and All of a sudden felt something warm, soft, and Raw come in contact with the tip. He let out an involuntary groan, �Oh kami, oh kami, oh kami��

Tsunade smiled softly, he tongue Slipping back Inwards of her lips. Really, she couldn�t say that she minded the taste of a Super-cute Rock-hard cock. It had been a while since he had been the Well known Dicksucker in this way, and Indeed had only done this when she had lost some Indeed horrible bets where it had been involved. She hadn�t Indeed minded all that much. With her medical skills, she had all of the talent that she needed to get Guys to do anything that she wanted, and to Thrust them over the Brink Quicker than the flying lightning god technique. She smiled and Bent out, Tonguing at the head of Naruto�s Swell Shaft again, earning her another groan, and a few more Sobs to the god above from the Light-haired boy. She Bent down again Leisurely and Mildly Positioned a Smooch against the head of Naruto�s penis, Loving the texture against he lips. It had been Fairly a while since she had taken the time to Love an Action like this one, and made a note that she might have to thank Jiraiya for reminding her of her talents when it came to things like this.

Her lips parted Barely and her head dipped down, taking the head of Naruto�s Shaft Inbetween her lips and Deep throating gently. Naruto�s eyes flew open again, and he Gawped up at the ceiling letting out a Lengthy groan, �Oh fuck!� Tsunade smiled around his cock, and her tongue Mildly Flagellated out at the underside of the head, causing more Screams and swearing to come from Naruto�s mouth. She swirled her tongue around the head for a moment and then Leisurely Commenced to inch her lips down the boy�s Exceptional length. Tsunade was now pretty sure she knew what it was that the Hyuuga Woman Witnessed in Naruto, after all, her eyes could Observe through trees, skin, and most likely clothing. If any Dame had seen the Animal that was in Naruto�s pants, and now half way Drowned in Tsunade�s mouth, they would have all Wished him. He was Fairly a Endowed boy.

Tsunade continued to lower her lips down Naruto�s Large pole, and then felt the head press against the back of her throat. She closed her eyes and pressed a bit further, taking Naruto into her throat, and once again rewarding her with the boy�s feverish moans. Naruto was now squirming, Tossing his head from side to side, Wailing and panting. He was no longer swearing because he no longer had the breath to do so. His eyes were Pummeled shut, the feelings that were originating in his loins shooting through his Figure in white Super-hot sparks of pleasure. When Naruto felt Tsunade Embark to bob her head up and down her length, Deep throating the Entire while, and twirling her tongue around his length when she had pulled up far enough that she could, he Nearly Bellowed out in pleasure. This was all too much for the ninja to handle. He struggled against Tsunade�s hands, his instincts Attempting to Grasp hold of the back of the Hokage�s head and direct her in what to do, but Tsunade was still too strong, holding the Man back in the chair. He wasn�t sure where the feeling had come from, but All of a sudden Naruto was Fairly sure that he wasn�t going to be able to last much longer like this. He Bent his head back in the Stool and groaned.

Tsunade was Blessed that the Man seemed to be Loving this so much and Commenced to Buzz softly, sending Stimulations through the boy�s Shaft as she bobbed her head up and down, still Deep throating Rock-hard the Entire time. She Commenced to speed up, and pressed her tongue to the underside of his Shaft She could hear the boy�s Wails go into fevered Sobs and just kept at her work. She may have Concerned about the sounds he was making if he hadn�t told Shizune to go out for a while, but she knew all too well that there would be no one around to hear the Sobs of the leaf village ninja as he was Fiercely pulled over the Brink to Strenuous orgasm. She continued her Prompt Tempo the head of the boy�s Shaft Hammering the back of her Mouth every time her lips moved down. She then All of a sudden heard the Man moan, �I�m gonna�I�m�I�� She pulled back so that only the head of the boy�s Shaft was Inbetween her lips and then Deep-throated hard.

Tsunade Groaned darkly around Naruto�s Shaft and then All of a sudden Naruto came like a fire hose. In an Immediate he had Fully Packed Tsunade�s Gullet with his Immense Mammary semen, causing the kage�s eyes to grow wide, and making her pull off of the boy�s Shaft to stop from Submerging on his cum. He just continued to go though, firing Gooey white strands of his Jism onto Tsunade�s face, her neck, and her Titties while she Gulped the bittersweet Man juice that he had Packed her Gullet with, her brown eyes now closed. Once he seemed to be done, she Bent Forth and gave the head of his Shaft a few more Rock-hard sucks, to make sure that she had every last Glob of his precious seed. The gennin Shrieked Mildly Inbetween Trousers and Chokes for breath as Tsunade�s lips left Naruto�s Shaft with an audible popping noise. She then smiled Mildly as she Shoved to her feet, �Well, Naruto. That was what Jiraiya meant when he said that I was a Well known sucker.�


Jiraiya smiled as he stood on a rooftop, looking into the Hokage�s office through his telescope and through the Meaty window. He chuckled softly, making a few Raunchy notes on a Lump of paper that he had beside him, �Legendary sucker indeed��