Citizen Sleeper is the work of the creator of In Other Waters and featuring incredible character art created by Guillaume Singelin is a narrative RPG set on Erlin’s Eye. The space station houses thousands of people trying to survive in an interstellar , capitalist society.
A corporation wants to return you as a sleeper. Your body is a digitalized conscious mind trapped inside an artificial body. You will need to make friends, gain your keeps and move through this bizarre urban sprawl if you’re hoping be able to survive to the next chapter.
A abandoned facility on the margins of a system experiencing crisis. It’s run-down and chaotic, yet it’s alive. It is now held together with anarchic alliances among ramshackle factions as well as one common wish to get out of the shackles of corporate power.
Each day, you wake up and determine what to do with it. You can work on the lawn or work a shift at the bar. You can also find rare parts in the market and street food. You can make or break alliances. Learn the truth. Avoid those who are after at you. Each cycle you will learn how to endure and then be successful.
The station is home to people from every walk of life, striving to make an existence amid the stars. Each character is unique and has its personal story. Whether they’re hackers or salvagers or bartenders, street food sellers or even bartenders. It is your choice which you would like to support, and together you will define your future.
Access digital information in the past, find the new frontiers, as well as discover details, hack into the cloud from the comfort of your home. This is your unique power and, with it, you can change your future. If you’re prepared to investigate the stations’ networks, you will find an array of company secrets and AIs that may be utilized against your.
In essence, you’re their property and are an asset within a vast portfolio of assets that spans the universe. You are the product of an inhumane system, an environment where the expansion of humankind is accompanied by the exploitation of extraction. Find the people who created your decomposing body and discover your path with a beautifully imagined, highly relevant sci-fi universe that investigates precarity, identity and liberation.
Each cycle, you have to roll your dice. You can assign them to one of the numerous possibilities available on the station. It is your choice which steps you make, and how they impact your future as well as the lives of people around you.
Clocks keep track of your own actions as well as the actions of other people around the station. Clocks can track everything from helping out a Yatagan friend , to becoming a local of the Overlook Bar, to how much you’ve accomplished in your own life.
Explore the world, not just quests, permitting you to select and decide on the narratives and the activities which are important to you. You will be able create the five core skills for your characters (Engineer Interface Endure, Intuit and) as well as unlock rewards and bonus that can change and reflect how you conduct yourself.
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