Beyond the world's petty conflicts, there is a realm of pure and malevolent magic called The Realm of Chaos. This place is unimaginable to mortal eyes. Although it whispers of power, it can be hard to see. It is to surrender your soul. It is possible to become it.
This place is ruled by the four Ruinous Powers, who are always looking to break their chains and plunge the entire world in a sea of corruption. Slaanesh is the lord over excesses; Nurgle, the plague God; Tzeentch is the changer of ways; Khorne the god of blood, and slaughter.
Two great kingdoms guard the borders between worlds: Grand Cathay's vast empire and Kislev's stern warriors. Each is facing its own challenges, so they must each cross the threshold to send their armies into Chaos Realm.
The entire world is at the edge of extinction. One push can plunge the world into the cataclysm.
One person has a strategy to do just that. An ancient figure, who wants nothing more than supreme power. He will require a champion to help him succeed.
All will be swept away by the coming conflict. Will you conquer your daemons? Oder command them.
Reviewed by: xenoblade chronicles xxx tube
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